Development of Sales CRM

Development of Sales CRM


Project Introduction

This primary goal of this CRM solution was to fill the communication gap between the manufacturer and customer. In addition, it has to be user friendly and equipped with necessary business features for sales representatives, sales managers and customer service representatives. It aimed to manage the entire sales and customer service processes of an organization and serving customers in a better way by adding more functionality and making necessary changes in the product. CRM helps to fill the communication gap between the manufacturer and end customer.

Project Assignment Highlights


  • Managing Security Restrictions
  • Implementing Strict Control Over Data

Technologies Used

Java, Java Beans, JSP, Servlet, Struts, EJB, Web logic, Oracle, Eclipse IDE


To develop the desired sales CRM application and to include all the necessary features we used Java and J2EE. We used Struts as the UI framework and thereby used various design patterns and principles. For designing system user interfaces Tiles framework was used. For client side validation, again we used Struts validation framework.


The end product was a feature rich application capable of handling all the CRM needs of the company and it helped the company significantly in minimizing the gaps between the manufacturer and the customer.

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